Let me show you how to eat & exercise to build a lean, athletic body in 90 days without fad diets or weight lifting, using my 'fitness daily' bodyweight exercise style & 'cook-with-me' virtual guidance.

I've put together a free 14 day workshop that shows you behind the scenes of my, '90 Day Daily Fitness Quest' and how you can use it to achieve a lean, athletic body from the comfort of your own house.

If you are ready to explore fitness beyond the bland restriction diets, and the weights & white powders of the local gym, then sign up. Let's go on a fitness quest together!

Free, but limited spots:

By checking this you agree to be contacted via the methods above about my services. I will NEVER share your information with others.

But why listen to me on this?

Hey there! I'm Andre Williams

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to achieve your optimal genetic expression in life? Like, the best version of yourself possible... It is possible, and it begins with your fitness.

I'm Andre, a Heisman Finalist runningback out of Boston College. I was a 4th round draft pick in the 2014 NFL Draft to the NY Giants.

During my time in the league, I incurred injuries that caused debilitating pain in my shoulders, wrist, and knees. I lived and played with these pains until I met Master Shin and he taught me his secret martial arts fitness style, daeqido. I learned how to heal my body and reclaim my athletic fitness with a unique bodyweight fitness regimen.

I studied under Master Shin for 4 years. During that time, I fixed a torn labrum and reconditioned a bum wrist. Over the last 8 years, i've continued to practice, refine, and teach my fitness style.

There is a natural path towards your fitness goals. Let me show you how to eat & exercise to build a lean, athletic body & BECOME THE GYM!

What's the workshop about?

Become the Gym

Discover the keys to internal medicine through movement and breath. Based on isometrics, military calisthenics, & bodyweight mastery martial arts techniques, in this unique exercise style you become the weight, the machine, and the gym!

'Cook-With-Me' Virtual Cookbook

High-quality blood is necessary to improve cardiovascular health, and it begins with high-quality food. I won't just show you what to eat, I'll cook it in front of you too! Let me show you the balanced nutritional protocol I use to stay lean and fit.

'Daily Deposit' Progression

Bodyweight routines that build muscle across joint systems for full-body strength & improved cardiovascular health. 30 minutes or less each day, to increase your capacity for work & build your lean, athletic body.

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